click here for online pre-registration
Regarding pre-registration, you will be contacted by one of our representatives from the admissions department after you have been scheduled for an inpatient admission or outpatient procedure. We will be calling you in order to verify your insurance and demographic information. If you are undergoing a procedure that necessitates insurance pre-authorization, you need to complete it at least 48 hours before your scheduled procedure. This is to ensure your insurance covers the maximum amount allowed according to your policy’s benefits. If you do not complete pre-authorization, we will be unable to pre-authorize or verify your insurance. If you have been scheduled for a surgical procedure, one of our nurses will call you to briefly go over the procedure with you before your appointment.
By pre-registering for your delivery’s expected due date, you can save a huge amount of time. You can pick up a pre-registration form from the admissions department in our main lobby or at your doctor’s office. A majority of insurance plans need pre-authorization in order to admit you for the delivery of your child. Contact your insurance provider’s customer service department or your employer’s benefit office in order to ensure you have achieved their notification requirements.
If you cannot finish the pre-registration forms beforehand, you and your support team will have to complete the registration process when you get to BRMC. Please make sure to bring your photo ID and insurance forms for copying purposes.
On the day of your appointment, please arrive at least half an hour prior to the scheduled start time. You are allowed to drink, eat, and take medicine as usual for the day of your pre-op visit.
At the main entrance, you will be able to utilize our fast and friendly shuttle service. In our hospital’s parking lots, you are free to use our regular parking services as well.
After you have completed the paperwork for admissions/outpatient surgery registration, we will call you to the surgery department where one of our skilled nurses will briefly go over surgery instructions and other relevant information with you. Then, one of our anesthesiologists will examine you and address any questions or concerns you may have about the anesthesia for your surgery. You may have an EKG, lab work, or x-rays performed during your visit, if your anesthesiologist or surgeon orders one.
The appointment will take at least 60 minutes so please make sure to bring something that will make you entertained or busy. Your appointment’s length will be determined by the tests your physician ordered and what is needed for your procedure. To ensure you stay comfortable, please bring a jacket or sweater since it occasionally gets a little cool in the waiting room.
Please bring the following to your pre-operative appointment:
If you have any questions or concerns about the pre-op visit, please feel free to call our pre-op nurse at (870) 508-1858 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
Enter in the Medical Arts Building entrance of the hospital. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor and report to the Outpatient Surgery Registration area.
You will need to sign the following, and the last two will need to be filled out if you are a Medicare recipient:
Our registration representative will have you fill out a consent form which will allow us to provide you with medical treatment. Minors will need a guardian or parent to sign for them. There may also be additional forms for you to fill out if you are receiving special procedures. Don’t worry, these will take very little time and your doctor can go over these with you.
Baxter Regional conducts insurance verification so you will be required to pay any owed deductible and/or co-insurance before the surgery. Please feel free to contact our financial counselor prior to your surgical date if you need to make financial arrangements for your payments. You can reach them at (870) 508-1080.
You are responsible for checking and making sure that the needs for your insurance plan have been met. If the requirements are not met, you could potentially be partially or fully responsible for paying for the medical services. Your health coverage is a binding contract between your insurance provider and you. Though we will do our best to expedite your claims, you will be ultimately responsible for your account’s payments. Regarding the professional services of your radiologist, pathologist, anesthesiologist, attending physician, and surgeon, you will be billed separately. Their services will not be included in the hospital’s bill.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the billing process, please feel free to call our patient accounts department any weekday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at (870) 508-1080.